Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences
The Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences (CSS), established in 2001, was the first of its kind in the Republic of North Macedonia and the region. Its mission is to prepare future leaders for roles in government institutions and non-governmental organizations by offering programs that combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills. Over three years, students gain expertise in public management, law, economics, research methods, and effective communication, equipping them to contribute to public policy creation, implementation, and evaluation.
The Faculty maintains active international partnerships with renowned institutions such as the Institute of Public Administration ENA (Paris), Spaer School (Germany), and several universities in the USA, facilitating academic staff and student exchanges, as well as scientific conferences and seminars. Committed to staying relevant, the Faculty continuously updates its programs to meet the evolving demands of the labor market in North Macedonia and the region.
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Read More: Политички проблеми на Европската интеграција
Политички проблеми на Европската интеграција
Интеграцијата на Македонија во Европска Унија и во НАТО секој ден станува се покомплексен проблем за соочување и решавање. Причините за оваа проблематика можеме дa потврдиме дека се сместени во самата територија на државата, но сепак мислам дека постојат проблеми кои се и надвор од нејзините граници. Оваа проблематика придонесува за значително забавување на процесот…